Como responder a pergunta How Tall Are You?

Como responder a pergunta How Tall Are You?

Como responder a pergunta How Tall Are You?

Então se alguém me perguntasse minha altura, eu poderia responder de uma das maneiras a seguir:

  1. “I'm five feet, ten inches tall
  2. “I'm five feet, ten inches”
  3. “I'm five ten”

Como responder perguntas com how?

How old are you?(Quantos anos você tem?)...Exemplos incluem:

  1. How are you? (Como você está? (formal))
  2. How's it going? (Como você está? (informal))
  3. What's up? (E aí?(informal))
  4. How's life? (Como está a vida (informal))

Como responder a pergunta how long?

How long are you staying here? (Você vai ficar aqui por quanto tempo?) How long will the concert last? (Quanto tempo o show vai durar?) How long have you been living here? (Quanto tempo faz que você mora aqui?) How long has she been working there? (Quanto tempo faz que ela trabalha lá?)

How tall are you if you are short?

  • How tall are you? Ugly people should not be so tall that they draw even more attention to themselves. Tom criuse is very short. You might be short also, or you might be all gnarley and lumpy and tall. Who knows. I know. i will tell you... Haven't you ever wondered... How tall you are? If you are short? Are you average? How tall/short are you??

How does height calculator work for height of parents?

  • A child's height based on parental heights subjects to regression toward the mean. It means that very tall or short parents will likely to have taller or shorter child. But the child is likely to be closer to the average height than the parents. This calculator is base on this algorithm.

How tall is a 12 inch ruler's foot?

  • About the foot. This system is sometimes called English, American or just “unscientific” in it's measurement logic. The correct term is the Imperial system. 12 inch ‘rulers’ are a foot long. Does that mean the standard used to define what a foot meant was how long the king’s (ruler’s) foot measured? Or, like Cinderella’s glass slipper, di 6 feet.

How tall is Tom criuse if you are short?

  • Tom criuse is very short. You might be short also, or you might be all gnarley and lumpy and tall. Who knows. I know. i will tell you... Haven't you ever wondered... How tall you are? If you are short? Are you average? How tall/short are you?? This quiz will guess your EXACT* height! *give or take a few feet. What is your age? What is your gender?

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