Qual é a diferença entre How Far e How Long?

Qual é a diferença entre How Far e How Long?

Qual é a diferença entre How Far e How Long?

How long e How far

  1. How long: comprimento. How long pode ser usado para verificar o comprimento de um objeto. ...
  2. How long: duração. ...
  3. How long com passado e present perfect: How long did you live? ...
  4. How long did it take? ...
  5. Quanto mais tempo: How much longer? ...
  6. How far - para distância. ...
  7. How far e How long.

Para que serve how far?

A expressão how far é usada em inglês para se perguntar ou dizer a distância ou extensão de alguma coisa ou lugar.

Quando usar FAR e Long?

Usamos far em perguntas e negativas. Did you walk far? The railway station is not far from here. Usamos a long way em afirmativas.

Quando usar How Wide?

- how wide is that street? (que largura tem esta rua?) - How wide is this river? (que largura tem este rio?) Exemplos: - how far is it from Brazil to New York? (qual a distância do Brasil para New York?)

Como responder uma pergunta de How much?

e ve alguns exemplos como How much is your ring? (quanto custa seu anel?), How much is that car? (quanto custa aquele carro?) How much is this cellphone? (quanto custa esse celular?) e aprende a responder usando It's no comeco da resposta, como por exemplo It's 10 dollars (é 10 dólares), It's 15 reais (é 15 reais).

What's the best way to respond to " Como Estas?

  • ( Fine, and you?) to ¡Fatal! ( Terrible!) Here's a list of fairly standard responses to ¿Cómo estás? that would be acceptable in just about any situation. ( thank you) or ask the other person how they are. Excelente. Excellent. Muy bien. Very good/well. Superbién. Very good/well. Bien bien. Good, good. Todo bien. Everything's good. Bien. Good/well.

How to respond to " how are you " in Spanish?

  • Keep in mind that these responses may come off as a little rude if you don't also say gracias ( thank you) or ask the other person how they are. Excelente. Excellent. Muy bien. Very good/well. Superbién. Very good/well. Bien bien. Good, good. Todo bien. Everything's good. Bien. Good/well. Regular. Okay. Normal. Okay. Más o menos. So-so. Así así.

What's the proper response to " how is it going?

  • A fairly common condensation of all this is "fine, thanks; you?". – Monica Cellio Jun 16 '11 at 14:18 Technically, "going good" is incorrect grammar; you should use "going well", so "It is going well" is the proper response. "Fine, and you?" You are right, that is very common here. The "proper" answer is Fine. or Just fine, thank you.

What's the best way to respond to a question?

  • Typical responses would include: The "Thank You" may be appended to your response; its use is intended to thank the person for asking the question (good manners, etc.). In general, respond with the same, if there is time.

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